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Lens comparison tool

This tool was created to help you decide which lens or camera to buy. It will show you how different focal lengths / apertures / crop vs full frame sensor affect the look of your images.

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How to use the lens comparison tool

  1. Choose the focal lengths you want to compare
  2. According to your choice of focal lengths, you can now choose the available aperture
  3. Check whether you own or want to buy a full frame or crop sensor camera1
  4. Choose if you want to compare a full body shot, or a half body shot2
  5. Click "Compare"
  6. read on if you want to share a certain comparison

Share your comparison

Once you clicked "compare", you will see a new button "share link". Click that and the link will be copied to your clipboard. You can then paste the link to share it wherever you want.


1A crop sensor camera has a smaller sensor than full frame sensor and therefore crops into the image. Usually entry level cameras or cameras in a lower price range use crop sensor cameras. If you want to know more about full frame vs crop sensor, have a look at this video: Crop vs Full Frame Sensor for the experts: for these images we used an APS-C sensor with a crop factor of 1.5x.

2A half body shot would require the photographer to get closer to the subject and therefore create more background blur. But that is not the only factor about background blur. Check out our video The 5 Factors of Background Blur.